Self-awareness is a critical part of leadership development and healthy team collaboration. Awareness of and action around others’ personalities (particularly those who are not like us) can short-circuit Mischief™ and create accelerated collaboration and productivity in a team environment.

We are fully certified and qualified, including Master Practitioner level status in administering and interpreting the MBTI©.
We have over 25 years of experience in utilizing the MBTI® in both individual leadership development and team environments. With over 5000 MBTI® assessments in a variety of for-profit, not-for-profit, governmental and privately held environments, we have helped individuals from dozens of nationalities, multiple world-wide geographies, and wide-ranging disciplines develop deeper leadership potential and transformational team productivity.
Let us help your team or your leaders reach their full potential by capitalizing on their interpersonal effectiveness through the self-awareness gained through the MBTI©.